Tuesday 13 September 2011

Lake Buttermere

I thought I'd done quite well yesterday with my walk up to and around the Latrigg summit, so today I decided to have a much more straightforward and level walk... Lake Buttermere :)

The weather had decided to put a slightly happier face on today; while we still had much of the cloud cover, today's offering were lovely fluffy white ones; albeit with a few dark and menacing grey underbellies dotted about the horizon.

I parked at Gatesgarthdale Beck car park... and just in time too; I took the last parking place in this full car park and duly paid my £3.00 parking charge... these two incidents should have made clear some facts that in retrospect should only have been too obvious.

Having togged my usual outdoorsey garb I walked along the road for a few hundred yards before joining the walkers path around the lake. This place was a little busier than I'd been used to; a steady stream of pairs passed me on their way back to the car park; most dressed in sparkling white trainers and t-shirts, and so say I felt somewhat over dressed with my bright red waterproof jacket and rucksack, waterproof trousers, plus my maps and gps on a rope around my neck would be a slight understatement... I smiled and exchanged a pleasant good-day with them and consoled myself that they would have no idea how far I'd already walked today to reach here; after all they had only walked from the car park just around the corner.

Lake Buttermere

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