From the National Trust cafe Steve had pointed out the tors in the distance and advised that a nice easy walk for the remainder of the afternoon could be from the car park close by. Although refreshed after the Latte and date slice [thank you Steve] I was aware that I was quite tired. But it was still only early afternoon. Hopping into the car I reasoned that if I started, I could still turn walk back part way if I was too fatigued, although I secretly hoped that I would have the stamina to take it a little slower and keep going.
Parking in the pay and display and popping through the gated stile and we were presented with another lovely Birch forest with grass floor.
As the Birch forest thins out the floor is first taken over by ferns
Pushing on up through this lovely space and popping out above the tree canopy the views were stunning, despite the misty weather in the distance.
I was even gifted with watching some Rooks fly from their nest in the rocky cliff face on the east facing elevation.
View towards the The River Derwent Valley and Grindleford.
View along the valley floor towards Hathersage just above a craggy outcrop where the Rooks are nesting
Beyond the trees the tor was clearly visible not too far off up the slope across the heather, which it would appear I'm a few weeks early to see in full bloom.
A view of Mother Cap and the Dales beyond
Tikka seems to be deriving as much enjoyment out of this scenery as I am and would hop up nimbly onto the rocks and just stand and look; all bright eyed and high tailed, before scampering off in search of the next view. Keeping Tikka on the lead the whole time, photos with leads never make good pictures, that and as soon as I'd try and get into position she'd lollop towards me.
This was a surprisingly easy walk and one that I'm pleased I persevered with; it would have been so easy to briefly snooze in the car after the morning walk.

It was now around half past three, so still quite early; I've started walks later than this. But I knew I had a chore to deal with when back at the caravan; a smelly dog. Although the odour had slightly diminished the orange strip was still visible, and decidedly unappealing. Tikka, clearly utterly unaware of this malaise was a little perplexed that I kept my distance as she hopped back in the car; either that or was disappointed yet again that a walk had ended... I reckon she'd walk all day if I had the energy.
Back at the caravan I left her in the car while I prepared her afternoon event - I was unsure how she was going to respond to this. The caravan prepared for a wet mut, I brought here in an popped her in the shower and slid the cubicle door across - so far so good, she didn't mind this and just looked around for the morsels of food that I'd sprinkled.
Next I stripped off and hopped in the shower too; indeed Tikka clearly wasn't the only smelly one! Warm water running I soaped and showered myself; Tikka meanwhile just sitting at my feet, seemingly unconcerned by warm water tumbling on here in a confined space - I suppose it was more pleasurable than the cold rain we've enjoyed over recent day.
Feeling fresh myself, Tikka was next. It never ceases to amaze me just how much mud comes out of a dog coat. Bless her she just stood there and enjoyed the warm massage, no complaints at all. But I knew I still had the drying to contend with... dissuading a dog from shaking is like trying to hold back a sunrise!
Hopping out of the shower and drying and dressing myself Tikka just sat in the cubicle patiently. Opening the shower door I deftly covered her in the biggest doggy towel I could find, and just in time too - she didn't disappoint and shook and shook and shook. Right, that out of her system I set to drying her off. Patiently she stood there and shortly we had a lovely fluffy and pleasant smelling Tikka. With a waggy tail and licky tongue she seemed quite happy with the recent attention and shortly settled down to attend to her bone.
I settled down to write up my day; it was at this time that I Accuweather advised me that tomorrow, Wednesday 16 October 2013, was going to be steadily and solidly wet and raining from dawn to dusk... how miserable... How to entertain a bloke with itchy walking feet and a young border collie in a 10ft x 6ft aluminium can for the day...
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